The Defining Characteristics flow directly from the Holy See’s teaching on Catholic schools as compiled by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB (The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools, 2006), and from statements by Pope Benedict XVI and the American bishops. The characteristics define the deep Catholic identity of Catholic schools and serve as the platform on which the standards and benchmarks rest. The defining characteristics authenticate the standards and benchmarks, justifying their existence and providing their meaning. These are the defining characteristics of Catholic schools:
Centered in the Person of Jesus Christ
Contributing to the Evangelizing Mission of the Church
Distinguished by Excellence
Committed to Educate the Whole Child
Steeped in a Catholic Worldview
Sustained by Gospel Witness
Shaped by Communion and Community
Accessible to All Students
Established by the Expressed Authority of the Bishop
If you're interested in learning more, refer to the Catholic Identity Header in the main menu of this website.